Screen or GNU Screen is a terminal multiplexer. In other words, it means that you can start a screen session and then open any number of windows (virtual terminals). This does not contain all of screen’s commands and options, read GNU’s manual to see everything


CLI Options

Options Description
-S Starts a named session
-r [name] Reattach to a screen (optionally by name)
-ls or --list Returns a list of session ids


Keybind Description
ctrl+a c Create a new screen tab inside a screen
ctrl+a [0-9] Switch to a screen tab by number 0 through 9
ctrl+a n Go to the next screen tab
ctrl+a p Go to the previous screen tab
ctrl+a k Kill current screen tab
ctrl+a ctrl+d Detach the current screen and go back to the terminal (screen windows will stay running)

Visual pleasure

Keybind Description
ctrl+a S Split a screen horizontally
ctrl+a | Split a screen vertically
ctrl+a ctrl+I or ctrl+a tab Change screen split
ctrl+a Q Remove all screen splits
ctrl+a C Clear the current screen tab


Keybind Description
ctrl+a A Rename current screen tab
ctrl+a k Kill current screen tab
ctrl+a ctrl+a Switch to last used screen tab
ctrl+a a Send ctrl+a to current screen tab
ctrl+a ctrl+w See a list of all screen tabs in the current screen